І нехай перемога завжди буде за нами, а пиво ллється рікою!
The day of football fever! First time in “Metro Club” its birthday is going to celebrate… FOOTBALL!!! It’s the game which Chinese call “zuqiu” and which rules had not been recorded till 19th century; moreover, it had been considered to be dangerous to life. Nowadays football is more than just a game and more than just sport. If you are a real football fan, if you support it, if football is a passion, a drug and an art for you – join and celebrate with us!!! During this night the following things will await you: oceans of football beer and fan positive, a lot of drive, funny contests with unexpected presents and as usual, - mountains of bright emotions!
And may a victory accompany us all the time and beer stream like a river!
Для дівчат вхід "безкоштовно''': Пн-Чт на Нд до 23:00, Пт та Сб до 22:00!/ Free entry for girls: Mo-Th and Su till 23:00, Fr and Sa till 22:00!
НАЯВНІСТЬ ДОКУМЕНТІВ ЩО ЗАСВІДЧУЮТЬ ВІК ТА ОСОБУ - ОБОВЯЗКОВА!!!!!/ It's obligatory to have the documents which verify your age and identity!!!!!
International METRO Club info-line +38-067-670-42-43
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